The Library
I am constantly being asked if my weird creations are available to download. Well...why not? I will do my best to upload materials I reference in my videos here for your use. Please be kind, and note I put some hard work into these. You're welcome to use for free, but give me credit when ya can! To gain access you will have to register on my website The Intentional Classroom, but registration is totally free!
Check out the Library HERE!

Classroom Management Tools
Need a little help organizing your classroom. Have no fear. I am the Leslie Knope of classroom management. If you don't get the reference, watch a few episodes of Parks and Rec. You will thank me later!
Look...I am not great at pumping out monthly newsletters. But I swear...I am going to get better. Here are the past ones and I promise, I will do better!

Cosmetology Stuff
We all know my first love is Cosmetology. Well, maybe you don't. But I love me some beauty biz! I have created a ton of helpful slide presentations and worksheets over the years. You may as well get some use out of them!
Compliance Updates
It is hard to figure out what is happening from day to day with the Department of Ed. I'll post any regulatory alerts you may need here.